SONG FOR GAZA: “We will not go down”

Gaza boleh dibakar. Demikian juga masjid, rumah, dan sekolah. Pada saat bersamaan, para pemimpin dunia memperdebatkan siapa yang salah dan siapa yang benr.

Jalur diplomasi yang ditempuh, hanya menghasilkan kesia-siaan. Sebab, bom-bom tetap dijatuhkan bagaikan hujan asam. Wanita dan anak-anak dibunuh setiap malam.

Tapi, melalui tetes air mata dan darah serta rasa sakit, Anda masih bisa mendengar suara itu di tengah kepulan asap. Pejuang Palestina tak akan menyerah melawan kekejaman negara Zionis itu. Semangat yang tak pernah mati.

Itulah cuplikan lagu Michael Heart, musisi asal Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat (AS), yang mendedikasikan lagunya itu untuk rakyat Gaza. Berbeda dengan album pop-rock sebelumnya, seperti Unsolicited Material yang dirilis Maret 2008, lagunya kali ini dapat diperoleh gratis melalui situsnya,

Sebagai gantinya, gitaris yang bermukim di Los Angeles sejak 1990 itu meminta siapa siapapun yang mengunduh lagu yang dibuat Januari 2009 itu agar menyumbangkan dana kepada rakyat Palestina. Dana tersebut langsung bisa disumbangkan ke salah satu yayasan atau organisasi sosial yang membantu rakyat Palestina.

Ini Pesan yang di tulis Michael Heart di situsnya.

Dear friends,

I have been overwhelmed by the warmth and the friendship you have all given me in response to my song for Gaza, “We Will Not Go Down”. I am doing my best to go through your numerous messages, emails and comments, and ask you to kindly bear with me until I am able to do so. Please forgive me if I am not able to respond to each and everyone of you; but please also know that I really appreciate your messages.

My original intention to donate proceeds from the sale of the MP3 to charity has been complicated by technical matters; therefore, I have decided to make the song available free of charge. I would like to request that afterdownloading the song from this page, you kindly donate directly to a charity or an organization dedicated to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. Worthy of note is UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which has been helping Palestinian refugees since their dispossession in 1949. Please click here to donate through them:

Thank you for your continued encouragement of my work as a musician, for your purchases of my CD, and for spreading the song, the video and the message as you have been doing. I am grateful for every demonstration of support I have received from you, and for every thought and prayer that has gone to the people of Gaza.


Michael Heart

Bagikan ke teman : 😍👍

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